wrangled and wrinkled.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I drooled on the collar of my shirt. So now it's cold and I zipped it up close. Now every once in a while I smell the sweet aroma of drool. And it's delightful.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Home again.

(See previous post.)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Attention all friends:

If you read this, and you want a Christmas card, send me an email with:

Your Name
and 1 good reason you should get a card.

Send your email to: jeff.beaver@gmail.com

First come, first serve!
Thank you.

This week has been nothing but Mexican and Italian food. I will have a heart attack tomorrow.

Saturday- Lunch = Mexican
Sunday- Lunch = Mexican
Sunday- Dinner = Italian
Monday- Lunch = Italian
Tuesday- Dinner = Mexican

I feel like my body is going to give on me.

Monday, December 13, 2004

You forgot insensitive!
Cold, distant, inconsiderate, belligerent, opinionated, loud, over-bearing, And I don't understand why.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I'm going to eat at 1:30.
I'm going to eat at 1:30.
I'm going to eat at 1:30.

I'm going to eat at 1:30.
I'm going to eat at 1:30.
I'm going to eat at 1:30.

I'm going to eat at 1:30.
I'm going to eat at 1:30.
I'm going to eat at 1:30.

I'm going to eat at 1:30.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Music from memories "haunted" me last night. As Micah and I listened to Sublime. I remember buying it and only listening to it at night because it had a parental advisory on it. So sometime after 11:30 I would slip it in the stereo and fall asleep to it. Don't tell my mom.

Friday, December 03, 2004

I like the All American Rejects. Thanks, Christen.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Fleeting sites of vanity. Used lip-balm, and those little breath strips.
Like garage cooled cola, it never quite achieves it's full flavor.
These are the things I have come to know in my youth.
These are the things I have to come to know in my mouth.
They still exist now, as my years pass by.

Although, sometimes in a fleeting moment alone...
I can - but - barely see past the feral, untrimmed hedges of my own clouded vision.
Into something deeper, and a love that is sung...
only in unison.

As the chords drift by on thin, wispy, visceral memories...
We don't see our future, but a past we have toppled.
As the toddling tower fell, you looked at me and smiled something...
That I had never felt before:
More than those fresh sticks of gum the beauties gracefully placed in their mouths.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I had one terrific dream last night.

Well I remember one part. I was in the city of Cleveland and I was walking around. I know I was with a friend, but now I don't remember who. We stopped into this record store and the guys in MxPx worked and owned it. And I walked in and they said "Hey Jeff!" like we had known each other for a long time. After they said that I "remembered" we used to hang out. They told me that they now lived above the record store and they run it. They had terribly designed business cards and flyers so I thought I could re-design them. Then I took a shower there and the room flooded and I began mopping it up. Some other customers came in and they were dressed in rags but looking for something and one of them had a beard. Crazy.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

He went on for another couple of minutes about the lecture. I didn’t really follow all of it, I was half looking at the hippies and half not comprehending what exactly he was saying. He usually spoke to me over my head. Not on purpose, but he was vague in a philosophical way. If you asked him if there was an apple on the table when there blatantly was, he would reply with some sort of drawn out conclusion about the being of the apple, and no matter where it was there it was. Not many people disliked him, but sometimes he could get confusing.

Just then Tim and Con’s banter came to an abrupt halt. Sort of like if you are talking in class and the teacher sneaks up behind you when you are talking a friend. The friend sees him and you don’t but your friend stops talking and you get caught at the tail end of a sentence. "blah blah blah – so and so Mr. Heslen is a terrible professor."

"Did you see that?" Constance asked it total shock.

Having not paid attention, I did not see anything. I tend to be pretty observant, but sometimes people see things I don’t. Walking up to our table was Andrice. Maybe I forgot to mention this, but there happened to be a band playing at the shop tonight. Just your run of the mill white noise brought to you by some college sophomores. I hated bands that were technically good, but really didn’t have good influences. Most of their influence came from the top 40 or whatever. Throw in a few obscure or not so obscure Brit. pop bands.

Andrice was a nice girl. She exemplified a daddy’s little girl if I ever saw one. She dressed like a pro, and had a pretty good sense of color schemes. Pretty much all the girls that were in my circle of friends dressed like that. They used the modern fashionable colors, but not the clothes. Making it in style, but maybe not at the same time. At any rate, it worked.

She walked up behind Red covering his eyes. This was the typical juvenile game she played. It charmed everyone. Asking Red "Do you know who I am?" she stepped back a bit and waited before leaning in and whispering something intelligible into his ear. Red was no dummy, he gripped her hands like a man searching in the dark. He felt her specific jewelry and came to his conclusion.

"Andrice?" Red said questioningly but knowingly. He really was no dummy.
"How’d you guess?" She replied.
"Well, you know, I guess I am just good like that."

With a sly smile on his face, he pulled out a chair for her. She sat between Red and I, with Tim sitting directly to my left, and Con completing the circle. Red leaned on the back of the chair, Andrice leaned forward with her attention to Red, I slouched, Tim sat straight forward, and Con, slid back easy on her chair.

I tapped my foot due to my over stimulated blood stream. Coffee could and would effect me like that. Con got back to what she had noticed before: "I cannot believe she was holding his hand!" Con was too good for contractions.

"Who held who’s hand?" 2 or 3 of us said in shock.
"Oh this boy I see here who was dating that girl who read that poem last night. I saw her crying after her shift and now he is holding that other girl’s hand."
"Could it be his sister, cousin or niece?" Red asked.
"No I don’t think so…" "They seemed awfully flirty."

Constance frequently put her nose in other people’s business. We all did. We put our collective noses in other people’s business. In the shop we would sit. We would notice footwear, headwear, and pants. We were always looking for a good pair of pants. Cool jeans were hard to come by, and we weren’t loyal to ours.

To the left of me, like I said, was Tim. Tim, on this night, wore a plain pale green sweater. He was very particular about his sweaters. No print, little pattern, and non-restrictive. You would think he was OCD. But he’s not. He usually wears some nice pants, or some nice jeans, but he is more concerned about his sweaters. If there is pattern on the sweater, than it can’t distract from the hue of the sweater. He would wear sweaters in warm, cool, hot, and cold temperatures. He had a book with him, and the author was one of those intermediates between a great but over rated writer and an unfamiliar but under rated writer. He wasn’t really into literature, but he was if you talked to him about it.

Constance was in her athletic sweats. She was relatively active and played a few leisurely sports. She mostly jogged or walked, because sports can become too competitive. They aren’t to most people, but were with Con. She wanted everyone to get along. Her black running pants weren’t of the nylon persuasion. They make too much noise when she walked. They were some sort of poly-cotton blend. They stretched with her legs as she walked and were pretty fit.

Usually on rainy days, or nights that were too cold to go out and do something I would head to the library to read. On those days where my friends didn’t call me I just stayed in my room. Really, I know, I could have made the effort to call, but I didn’t. I am a bad friend like that, but usually, people don’t notice you are being aloof. They just think you are busy with work, or maybe out visiting your folks, or out with other people. So, for that reason, my friends don’t bother calling. They simply assume I am not pent up in this one dank, dingy, and dimly lit room.
Certain friends were different. Constance always wanted to know what was going on.

She was one of those busy bodies. Who was with whom, where are they going, what happened last night. The list goes on and on. Mostly though, I find all women are busy bodies. Well more so that they like to engage people and long for knowledge of every little detail. This is what I hoped, anyway. Con, wouldn’t let me call her (or anyone for that matter) Connie. For some reason, the juvenile connotation was a bit much. And since "Stance" wasn’t much of a nick name, I called her Con.

She always wanted to get what she had earned. This is evident in how she lives each part of her life. She works hard, she plays hard, and she has a good time. This is a very good quality (hard worker), but it wouldn’t kill her to be a little apathetic about something’s from time to time. Sometimes, she’d pretend to be apathetic. Though it would come off, obvious to everyone but her: that she was actually worrying more than she should. She liked to fool herself, and rarely fooled others. She was good at this.

Drinking a drink, overpriced and extremely bitter, Con once approached me. It was one of those rainy days I had just told about. She had also bought a drink. I think it was an orange tea of some sort. It was with three sugars and as sweet as her personality. At the shop where we sat, they were playing "Overture" by the Who. Quite a song for a rainy day, but I think it was to zap the works out of the weekday haze more than anything. Actually I think they were playing the whole Tommy record, a feat in it’s self.

She sat down quietly and didn’t say anything. I was reading a paper and depressing myself in the world’s current state. I can’t read papers, or internet news much. I get depressed about the world, it gets me down. If only we could settle every worldly dispute with a game of checkers. I would like to think there would be no more Israeli-Palestinian violence, no more religious persecution or, dare I say it…plastic and over played pop stars. Now, these aren’t the only problems in the world today, but without these, there would be a lot less. I guess it all comes down to putting down the guns, putting down the Bibles and burning the current pop stars at the stake.

But really, witch burning is what got us in this mess, right? Ok, Enough with the cryptic and confusing thoughts. I peered up from my paper at Constance. She was reading as well. Though it was light reading and only the text on her teacup. It was one of those tea cups that has a bunch of inspiration phrases that some fat man in an office came up with. As in: "I can’t get started in the morning without my coffee." Or something like "Today is better than yesterday, yesterday was Monday." They kind of make sense, but in the same light they don’t. They do, however generate and entice you into getting a refill.

Being that she was drinking tea, these phrases must have confused her and she stared off into the blank space that was the coffee shop’s ceiling. She sighed three times and finally spouted out, right in the middle of me reading about another massacre of the Tigers, that she was leaving.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Now don’t get me wrong. All these people are my friends. We have had many good times, we have shared a lot and been there for each other. I am being hypercritical in my analysis. I tend to do that sometimes. I also fashion myself as a closet introvert. I mean, look at these writings, don’t you think I am a tad pensive? Or am I thoughtless, heartless and selfish. I am hard on my friends, but it’s all honesty.

So I have another one for you. His name is Red. Red got his name, or at least from me for being the exact opposite. He is very black and white in his thinking. You are either right or wrong, and you always have 2 choices. To Red, there is no gray.

Thursday night, Red joined us in the usual spot at the coffee shop. Now as a group we are being very stereotypical of 20 something’s. We sit in a shop, which sells these terrible tasting drinks. In this shop we confer, we adhere, and we encourage each other. These talks are a big pat on the back to our collective ego(s). We sat a round table. We being Tim, Con, Red and I. Con and Tim were already up to their usual banter. They are both creatively inclined. It’s nice to eavesdrop sometimes, on their creative conversations, but other times, it’s such a burden. I wish that for once we could not talk about these such issues: art, politics, music, and gossip.

Red sat down, slowly in his hard-backed chair. The shop had bad drinks, hard backed chairs, and loud music. Hardly a place for geriatrics, I know, but that’s probably the exact reason we conversed there. Red usually brought his own drink, which was most likely against house rules, but these neo-beatniks cared nothing about it. To them, this was a means to get their poetry careers started.

One time, at an open mic, I heard one of them:

"Air so thin, I can hardly breathe
I’m filled with such angst, and with no re-reprieve
You desert me again.

Now I wander with no purpose
I shop with no purses
And I’m stuck in the cereal isle."

Red had respect for the arts, and loved debates. He hated that poem, but the one who read this atrocity was kind on cute, in a neo-beatnik way. I respected her for giving it a go, but she needed to list in a few more literature courses. She probably ain’t even read Poe.

Turning his chair backwards, Red announced his arrival. "Hey guys." Red’s greetings were often short, but always polite. I loved this guy. Red never bothered telling you all his stories, he was never interested in boosting his own myth, but he was always interested in ours. Ours being Tim, Con and Mine. He was a man of few words, but when he did speak it was always well said. Tim and Con ignored Red, save for a nice "Hi" and a quick nod. Then back to the action of the debate of the night.

"Hey, Red, how are you? Anything interesting going on?" I replied.
"Oh, well I just got back from that lecture I told you about. It was pretty interesting." Red didn’t coat his sentences in superfluous adjectives or action verbs. He was strictly a get to the point type of person. He was Red, and he was black and white.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Don't test my loyalty. You wouldn't want me to detract.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Here's something to know about me: Don't mess with my friends. Even if you are a friend of mine messing with another friend of mine. You better treat them right.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

…I didn't give anyone permission to see inside of my head. "Well that's your problem, anyway" If you were a friend, you would grant me grace and realize everyone needs their secrets. Without secrets, nothing would eat you alive.
Tim was always saying dick things like that. Tim was just one of them. If you could ask him to be gentle with a baby lamb, he'd slay it and burn its ashes to make a milkshake. In short, he was insensitive. Or, to say the least, a tad destructive. He'd like to pretend he was actually being bluntly honest but what he was really doing was unconsciously tearing your self-esteem into little pieces of confetti.But he always a celebration anyway. It was fine by me, I let him live. My other friends couldn't handle it as well. Either I'm thick skinned or a pushover. Or maybe I am just as insensitive and brash.
Secrets though, lend themselves to be strange bedfellows. One moment you're glad to have kept yourself so pure. Not tainting them with a stranger's opinion and heresy. I'd be a good cowboy. It would be easy not to talk to anyone. All you have is cattle and they listen to you in silence.

Not Constance. In fact, just the name Constance leads you to believe, and this just by hearing the name: That she is better than you. Or she can do something better than you. Like in first grade, if you and her we in those reading groups, she'd be a blue bird reading at 3rd grade level and you were still trying to pronounce simple words. She'd play it off, though. Demeaning herself if ever she got a better grade than you.
"Gosh, I really thought I was going to fail this test. Geez. So how did you do?"
"I got a 62."
"Oh, I'm really sorry, but really, I didn't study at all. It must be some fluke."

This heavenly girl could also be conniving. Not in the usual woman head game thing, but because she could think 4 moves ahead, she'd get you. Just then, she barged in on Tim and I.

"Oh, how are you doing?"

This greeting wasn't directed to anyone in general. It was to show us she didn't favor one over the other. Evading all conflict, she gave us a "cover-all" hello, and it was just subtle enough for us to accept it as a kind gesture. She often wore herself thin being everything to everyone. People loved and adored her though. Every single time she saw you it was like you had been locked away for a quarter of a century.

"So what are you doing tonight?"

Addressing the two of us, not making eye contact, but focusing her gaze upon the single poster in my room: One of the latest pop star, of course hung in jest, but none the less a guilty pleasure of mine.

"I will probably bum around." Tim explained, as if Constance and I or his other friends weren't good enough to make some sort of commitment or arrangement to hang out.

"I've been pretty tired lately, and really diving into my work. I can't imagine me being anyone's idea of good company."

Cutting him off in mid-stream she gave some encouragement. "Tim, you know no one thinks that!"This is what made his and hers relationship a special one.

Tim needed affirmation frequently, and Constance, the patron saint of everything good and nice was more than welcome to buffer his fragile ego. I'd like to think Con had a heart of gold, but even her words seemed light on sincerity. She, like Tim hated any sort of commitment. "So anyway, can I have those pictures of Sara?" Tim asked. "What do you mean?" "Well, it’s just, you guys are broken up and seeing how I am friends with her too, I would like to remember her in…""In what, Tim?" By now, I was becoming to realize what he was going to lay on me next…"Well, you know, when she was happy."
"No, I don’t care if you date her. We are still friends and I love her to death, and I can accept that she wants to be happy."

Far be it from my friends to also realize I was still grasping, very fledgingly towards some sort of happiness too. She wasn’t the only martyr in this relationship. If she was a martyr, I’d like to know what exactly she died for.
"Come on man, I would never do that to you. – What kind of creep do you take me for?""The creepiest." Constance and I said in unison.

I think she was starting to see a glimmer of trying to understand how I feel. She was really trying to be a friend, no matter her motives. I can accept that. I will take what I can get, most of the time.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Secrets though, lend themselves to be strange bed fellows. One moment you're glad to have kept yourself so pure. Not tainting them with a stranger's opinion and heresy. I'd be a good cowboy. It's was not to talk to anyone. All you have is cattle and they listen to you in silence. Not Constance.

In fact, just the name Constance leads you to believe, and this just by hearing the name: That she is better than you. Or she can do something better than you. Like in first grade, if you and her we in those reading groups, she'd be a blue bird reading at 3rd grade level and you were still trying to pronounce simple words. She'd play it off, though. Demeaning herself if ever she got a better grade than you.

"Gosh, I really thought I was going to fail this test. Geez. So how did you do?"
"I got a 62."
"Oh, I'm really sorry, but really, I didn't study at all. It must be some fluke."

This heavenly girl could also be conniving. Not in the usual woman head game thing, but because she could think 4 moves ahead, she'd get you.

Just then, she barged in on Tim and I.

"Oh, how are you doing?" This greeting wasn't directed to anyone in general. It was to show us she didn't favor one over the other. Evading all conflict, she gave us a "cover-all" hello, and it was just subtle enough for us to accept it as a kind gesture. She often wore herself thin being everything to everyone. People loved and adored her though. Every single time she saw you it was like you had been locked away for a quarter of a century.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Addressing the two of us, not making eye contact, but focusing her gaze upon the single poster in my room: One of the latest pop star, of course hung in jest, but none the less a guilty pleasure of mine.

"I will probably bum around." Tim explained, as if Constance and I or his other friends weren't good enough to make some sort of commitment or arrangement to hang out. "I've been pretty tired lately, and really diving into my work. I can't imagine me being anyone's idea of good company."

Cutting him off in mid-stream she gave some encouragement. "Tim, you know no one thinks that!"

This is what made his and hers relationship a special one. Tim needed affirmation frequently, and Constance, the patron saint of everything good and nice was more than welcome to buffer his fragile ego. I'd like to think Con had a heart of gold, but even her words seemed light on sincerity. She, like Tim hated any sort of commitment.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Tim was always saying dick things like that. Tim was just one of them. If you could ask him to be gentle with a baby lamb, he'd slay it and burn it's ashes to make a milkshake. In short, he was insensitive. Or, to say the least a tad destructive. He'd like to pretend he was actually being bluntly honest but what he was really doing was unconsciously tearing your self esteem into little pieces of confety.

But he always a celebration anyway. It was fine by me, I let him live. My other friends couldn't handle it as well. Either I'm thick skinned or a pushover. Or maybe I am just as insensitive and brash.

Friday, October 15, 2004

I didn't give anyone permission to see inside of my head. "Well that's your problem, anyway" If you were a friend, you would grant me grace and realize everyone needs their secrets. Without secrets, nothing would eat you alive.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

It was 1979 today.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Life has been crazy lately. I can't even begin to explain it.

Things I once held as common currency are being turned upside down. My views have all seemed skewed. All this within a few weeks of school. Why can nothing be simple. It sounds so funny, but now that those days are over, those days which I thought were so hard, I want them back. Like pieces of silver I traded for scraps of food.

Most of this sounds a lot more dramatic than it is, and I have so much I should feel blessed to have. There seems like there is some kind of monumental change around the bend and I keep turning, but the road never straightens. It's the long anticipation that keeps me on edge.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Would things be different if I changed you?

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I dressed for my PE class today and did 3 stretches and left. So it was very fulfilling. Speaking of fulfilling...Well yeah.

I have another big Art History test today, very exciting. I am studied out, so that's why I ain't studying now. I wish I could go to the AWV show tonight, but I have to go listen to Paul Copernoperirgototpo speak.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Yesterday was a busy day. IWU played Spalding University in soccer and the FC Reds were out in full force. IWU one in golden goal fashion, scoring the winning goal with 3 mins left in overtime. We had some really good cheers, even though there were more people who could have cheered. They were there for the girls game afterwards. Shea and I agree that they only cheer for the girls because they want to get some "tail". (They are all guys).

I also did about 7 test prints for my first printmaking project. I did printer's proofs on Japanese newsprint, pages from atlas', phonebook paper, etc. I did one on regular paper too, which I will turn in Monday.

This weekend I am going home to see Amanda and go to a Columbus Crew game. Andrew will be there and this guy is playing:
(Freddie Adu). I am going to make a poster which reads "Much ADU about nothing!" It's nerdy, so what.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Let's try to remember what friends are for instead of what friendships can do for me.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Last night I got my first ever IM from an anonymous blog reader. I think her name was Chokerose or something. I felt like a celebrity.

I had the opprotunity to go sit outside and read my American Government HW. It was really interesting to read in depth on how our Constitution was formed and organized. I would probably have been an Antifederalist. They were the ones who wanted a bill of rights. So thanks to them, we can't be pushed around by those who govern us. Well, for the most part.

It was so nice out, I considered taking a nap in the grass. I didn't though, I drank a Wild Cherry Pepsi instead. I hate regular Pepsi, but Cherry Coke is too acidic. That's right, I said it. It's too acidic.
Who has the better life? The bum, the brat, the esteemed? The one with the credit or the one who deserves the credit? Can someone really make a difference? Or does someone choose to be impacted.

If you get a car for free, or if you have a big house, or if you are the CEO of a big business, or if you pray in church, or if you burn a church...We all ultimately have an end to our lives. It doesn't matter, because it all ends.

The free rides, the business luncheons, and the lonely nights asleep on a park bench.

They all end.

Can I come in? Because I don't want to leave you. Is it the twinkle in your eye or the pause inbetween your breaths? Can I come in? This night is too long to go without seeing you pulse.


Friday, September 17, 2004

No matter what happens in my life, one lyric always stands the test of time with me.

"Can we return, to the golden age?"

I wonder if I will go on through life and always think this, or maybe I can change and realize right here and right now is where I should be.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

RIP Johnny Ramone.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Everyone has their problems, and it's up to them how they react. Most people have guidelines, or social folkways and moraes to instruct them on how to act. People have patterns to how they react to heartache, depression, sorrow, etc.

People also have these same patterns for joy and happiness. Each person has a set way of reaction they have learned through the years. It is possible to predict these patterns accordingly. This can cause people to be manupulative.

Based on the fact that these set patterns to joy and sadness can be predicted from person to person, one can choose whether or not to be manipulative. So does this mean people actually choose whether or not they are manipulated? Just by the way they might react to joy/sadness? Possibly yes. Possibly no.

All and all, it's never anyone's fault. After all, we are only human.

Friday, September 10, 2004

So almost a week.

I was thinking today as I walked outside how it already smelled like "fall". Or "Autumn" for you purists. Fall is my favorite season. It used to be winter, but has since changed to fall. Fall is very adaptive weather. Summer and Winter are too extreme, and Spring is too rainy.

Fall makes me romatic. The visuals of the leaves, the smells, the warm clothes.

I went outside today to read underneath my favorite tree. I fear these relaxing visits will be few and far between being that the semester is underway.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I am at school now and done with my first day of classes.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I am going to barf with anticipation:

Friday, September 03, 2004

"If you are listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you are a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons." - Alice Cooper

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I cannot

and I stress cannot believe I am up this early. I just could not sleep. I should be getting to some laundry now.

Yesterday I did a little school shopping. Some tea and some jeans and a shirt were bought. Too much tea was bought. So if you like tea, feel free to stop by my house for a cup. You supply the mug, I will supply the bag and water.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Today I made a 25$ contribution to the Ralph Nader campaign. I purchased 10 buttons and 10 stickers. So if you want one, comment and let me know.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Who's back from vacation? Of course, me.

North Carolina was fun. The last night of the trip Amanda an I saw Hero, that was basically the highlight of my trip...haha. Most of the time I spent with Amanda was the highlight. There were two nights we went out on the beach really late and just talked until we couldn't breathe any more ocean air.

That's as sappy as I get.

So this week I am going to start packing for school. It's pretty hectic getting stuff together, but I can pull it out. This year, no more than 2 accessory boxes. It will be a record. That does not include my computer, records, and record player.

Friday, August 20, 2004

I have to end this blog on a high note before I go on vacation.

Here goes nothing:

"let me think, no there were other good influences, APRIL was for a while till she started sucking"

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Books I bought today (I felt grown up):


Robert Lewis Stevenson, Treasure Island
S.E. Hinton, Taming the Star Runner
S.E. Hinton, That Was Then, This is Now
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron
Ayn Rand, Anthem

I guess I like the letter "T".

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I am thinking about a fugue state. I think it would be fun. Any takers?

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Today I went to the Red Bull Flugtag, and Bootsy Collins was a judge. As I was standing by the judges area I yelled "Heyyyyy Boooootsy!" and he looked down and we waved at each other. A match made in Funk heaven I tell you.

Be cool ma babays!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hey, I have Away With Vega and An American Family Photo Expirience on my iPod.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

A recent picture of me:

Friday, August 06, 2004

A reply:

"Jeff,That sucks. Total bummer story and I'm sorry to hear it. Oddly enough, thisisn't the first time I've had someone email me a very similar thing. Ouchman, that's terrible every time. Send me your address and I'll try to sendyou out a new CD. I'm bad with mail but should be going to the post officesoon. Good luck with everything. Ciou,Dave"

Thursday, August 05, 2004

I saw one of these in my town:

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I like loyalty.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Keeping it real.

Yes, that is cardboard and a juicy juice box holding it up.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The following is an email I wrote to the fine bandmembers of Challenger:

I know this message may not go directly to the horse's mouth (the members of Challenger) but I thought it would be an interesting story to relay to the info section, or if it's possible to forward the information on to the band.

With that jargon said: Here is my story. I have been a fan of the Milemarker/Challenger contingency for a little while now. Seeing you as Milemarker in Chicago and Challenger this summer in Cleveland. Good shows. I was pretty excited to hear that Challenger (Geez how many times can I type it?) would put out an album out the beginning of this summer. So I bought it the week or so it came out. I really enjoy the record.

This, however isn't the point of me writing you fine folks. It's more to inform you of the irony that unexpectedly showed up in my front lawn this morning. Well I woke up this morning about 6AM, and found that my driver's side window had been smashed, and my cd player ripped out. Leaving a gaping hole in my dash.

The neighborhood I live in is relatively safe, so I was quite suprised and, well, kinda mad. I didn't stop to think what cd was in my cd player. So as I was getting a ride to work, I remembered. Challenger's "Give the people what they want...(In small doses)" So in this case, for the person who stole the cdplayer/cd really did get what they wanted. Being that I have no form of security besides locks on the doors.

Thought you guys would like a good story and commentary(?) about today's society. Have a good one. - Jeff


Thursday, July 22, 2004

Anyone who reads this is a putz.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Your Pokéname is:


You live in the steppes of Ireland, and your diet consists mostly of grass, insects and coffee.

(Combat and Non-combat)You can throw force bolts. You can drink Mr. PiBB. You have goassamer wings. You can throw 8-track tapes. You can shoot wind. You have big hair. You have a magic chest of hats.

Natural Enemies: Your natural enemy is Mootle.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Friday, July 09, 2004

So another birthday has come and gone. Now look who's 22 and none the wiser. Maybe I am a little bit wiser. I got some DVD's and some CD's and some CEO's and some PSP's with some CFC's. I also went to a Japanese steak house where they cook in front of you. Our chef kept asking us "Who's yo dadee???". It was fun. Then I saw King Arthur with Amanda. I liked it, but it didn't change my life.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I typed out this huge heart felt email to Andrew and the internet bug ate it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I was going to paste the last thing I copied, because maybe it might be interesting, but I don't have anything. I right clicked and all it said was Undo, Delete and Select all.

Josh hates me because I swore I would call him last week and I didn't. I am a terrible friend.

In other friend news, Sam confessed his like to a certain girl.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Been working. Saw the Aquabats last night! My life is now complete. It was Cleveland and Ryland actually drove. How nice of him to repay Amanda for the 300 rides she gave him last summer. Maybe this is a new trend. He should drive more often. I woulnd't count on it though. Haha.

Work is good, except for the cleaner that gives me heart palpatations. Leiderhosen Lucil was hilarious last night, so I bought a pin and 2 stickers.

Tonight could be the final game, go Pistons.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

News flash: I'm dead.

Monday, May 31, 2004

I saw Mean Girls at the drive in last night in a thunderstorm. Lindsay Lohan is an idiot, but I like Tina Fey. The double feature was Mean Girls and Troy? Tell me how those two movies relate. Anyway, we didn't stay for T-roy because it is way too long and to Homer-erotic for some viewers. Not the ladies though, they like those Greeks in there short skirt battle tu-tu's. They must use Nair.

Or Nads.

Or I am leaving now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I was only 51 posts away from 500 on my real astoldby site. Sheesh. I haven't checked if it is working yet. I don't think anyone reads this one, so that's nice and I can say whatever I want!



This weekend was supposed to be me going to Aaron's bachelor party, but that is not going on now. I could not get off work and I fail at life because I dont have enough money to drive out there, pay for crap and drive back and then drive back there in a week and then pay for crap and then drive back to Ohio. Life. Not that I think it's crap. But I don't have solid hours at my job yet. I don't know. I am beginning to hate money.

Since I hate money so much, I spent some of it tonight. I found a copy of the 101ers Elgin Avenue Breakdown on vinyl. That is exciting. I have always wanted it. So as soon as that arrives my record collection will be complete...Maybe not.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

So Amanda has been back from her trip for a few days now. Sam is around, and Ryan is coming home soon. I am blessed to have these guys here for another summer, until I goback to finish. Hopefully their job-hunt (Well one of them) goes well. I have been working more frequently and will begin full time work in early June.

June also brings Aaron W's wedding. So that is very exciting, what a great time it will be. I am also blessed to have him and Steph in my life, and hopefully for some continued years.

I have been listening to my Who records and playing air guitar for Amanda lately. Lauren Claus should come back from the BAYOU.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Stupid Kings lost.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Fairweather should not have broken up. The best pop punk out there.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Well with Amanda in C.A. I have significantly increased social time. Sam is my only friend home, so I have been doing things with him. Watched the Kings win the other night. They play again Wednesday, but I have to work. Hopefully the game is at 10:30.

Saturday I went to a very rainy, dreary, and cold Columbus to a Crew game. They won 1 to nothing, it was an exciting one. Too bad you couldn't come.

Note: get to work.

Friday, May 14, 2004

What the? Blogger has gone through some changes. So far this summer I have been working covering shifts sporadically. Nothing substantually financial. Most of my money goes to gas, and the old ball and chain. Although I am not complaining. I would like to earn more money, but I have to wait a little longer.

I got a letter in the mail today inviting me to Aaron W's bachelor party. Chicago sounds good to me, brother.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Packing sucks.

Well one last movie night with Jim. Uhh, and then tomorrow I leave. BUT. I can't forget the final I have at 1PM. That's in an hour. I ate breakfast before my Sample Survey final. It felt good to be awake. I think being awake helped me on the test. No, really, it might have!

This is the last day I have to deal with born-in-the-suburbs-thinks-he's-a-homie-moron-suite-mate. I don't think he can listen to music at a low level.

As posted on Monday:

Man. I have run out of portfolios to get ready. I guess this means I should study for my Sample Survey final. I really hate math though. And I have no ulterior forms of entertainment but DVD's and internet. (Our cable was turned off today). I really need to pack too. I don't want to pack. It's the worst thing about coming to and or leaving school.

Except with leaving school you have to miss friends too.

And of course that will happen. People tend to get attached to one another.

Today, Nick and I ate lunch. We were talking about blind dates. I asked him if he would go on one that I set up for him because I actually have someone in mind. He said no, and that blind dates are horrible. I don't think he has ever been on one though. Then he started talking about how he had someone perfect for me and that once we got together it would work fine. I told him I have a girlfriend and I don't want a blind date. He told me my girlfriend wouldn't have to know. But after much debate, I still decided no. I am not looking for anyone else. I have someone great.

It was all a joke though. (On his part).

Annie told us that if Curt died young that Andrew and then me were first on the list to date and or marry. How comical. I told her I didn't want to marry her. Not so much that I don't think she is cool, which by the way, she is; but I don't think like that. I really try to think in the now. So of course, the now that I am presently in I have a fine lady.

I like the now I am presently in. I hope it stays this constant in the future.