James, black wash denim. Carries on down the street his crate of tools. One hammer, one saw, a crowbar and nails. He scuffs his shoes, he doesn't walk right, he continues on down the street. Taking his cargo on the left side of the road, James and his conscience think together. He can only be good or bad.
Maybe James can be a little of both.
People pass him, they stare. Sometimes they throw things. Sometimes they are insults, one time it was a can. He took it to the metal works and got 10 cents for it. James throws insults at himself too. Those, like the can are recycled. The same inadequacies fit each time.
Lack of smarts, James thinks. He thinks he lacks in a lot of areas. He thinks not like normal people do. Texture has a lot to do with it. Each situation is related to him by texture. If it is wrong, it rubs him the wrong way.
Nothing can prevent James from feeling what he feels, and he likes this most of the time. And he likes his hammer, his saw and the crowbar and nails.
The door swings wide.
He stops it with his right foot, which has an untied loosely hanging patent leather shoe on it. "Morning.", he greets. He remembers: Beth, John, Steve, Tom, Joyce, Al...Blond hair? He does not remember this one. Seemingly, with burning-iron red glowing eyes of imminent doom she turns to him.
Swing do his arms, he drops the crate of tools.
He takes care of his hands, and his feet. James' father, Job (Joe-b) told him to remember to do this. He can kinda remember a lot of what his dad did or said:
"Take care of your hands, so they can mend. Your feet, keep them dry. Keep clean socks beside the radiator during the winter, James."
James also remembers other things. Some of them are: Job's fondness for gumball machine gum, fishing caps, and pin ups. Those ladies now are 80. James' memories of his father are pinned up in his memory, but are now fading like the beautiful buxom ladies which then hung against the wall of the garage.
The tool box is empty. The tools are stocked on the hardware store's wall. They are the same tools, in a new environment. Usually they fly off the shelf. Now, however, they remain hung and left to shine. Maybe to display there value and their luster. Or maybe to hang.
James leaves the store, but first ties his shoe. He takes his crummy old crate and heads back up the road from where he came. He admits he would do it as many times as it takes.
wrangled and wrinkled.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
"I sleep light...on these drugs tonight."
Ok so now everything makes me want to get physically ill. I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, like I may have said (previous update?) and when I was done, I felt as if I was on drugs. And when the room started spinning that same night I assumed I was. I also slept light that night, just like the song lyric. I just feel sick when I think how I it wasn't really a trip. If it were fake it would be over by now.
So I can only perceive this as an actual event.
You cannot change the past. Is CHANGE the only thing that can quell the burning in our hearts of our shortcomings?
Difference. Similarity = Mediocre. Similarity as an excuse, similarity is not perfection. Perfection is a haunting dream humans have. We can never achieve it. We will never have "perfection". Or what our tiny brains preconceive as "perfection". We can work until our bones literally bleed and our brains decompose and still never be happy. With friends, you take good, bad and (thank you Sergio Leone) the ugly.
Difference is what makes us long for Similarity, but once we think we have it, it turns out to be Difference again. Our idea of difference is an uncomfortable one. It (the idea of difference) EATS good qualities, feelings, passion, love, and forgiveness. It destroys true meaning.
The "Difference Monster" is man's real problem. We base Similarity on Difference, as if one was more important than the other. So when something isn't the same, it is bad. Difference does not equal bad, it equals evolution. A chance for our mind set to change for the better and to adapt with new knowledge.
We (should) celebrate our new knowledge.
The ONLY similar thing that exists is DIFFERENCE. If we cannot except difference we will never grow. We will never live outside ourselves. We will be concentrating on what makes things "similar" and comfortable to us. Difference is true comfort. Knowing nothing will be the same the next time said, spoken, or breathed. Knowledge in this should excite us, and invigorate us. Not seperate us.
Ok so now everything makes me want to get physically ill. I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, like I may have said (previous update?) and when I was done, I felt as if I was on drugs. And when the room started spinning that same night I assumed I was. I also slept light that night, just like the song lyric. I just feel sick when I think how I it wasn't really a trip. If it were fake it would be over by now.
So I can only perceive this as an actual event.
You cannot change the past. Is CHANGE the only thing that can quell the burning in our hearts of our shortcomings?
Difference. Similarity = Mediocre. Similarity as an excuse, similarity is not perfection. Perfection is a haunting dream humans have. We can never achieve it. We will never have "perfection". Or what our tiny brains preconceive as "perfection". We can work until our bones literally bleed and our brains decompose and still never be happy. With friends, you take good, bad and (thank you Sergio Leone) the ugly.
Difference is what makes us long for Similarity, but once we think we have it, it turns out to be Difference again. Our idea of difference is an uncomfortable one. It (the idea of difference) EATS good qualities, feelings, passion, love, and forgiveness. It destroys true meaning.
The "Difference Monster" is man's real problem. We base Similarity on Difference, as if one was more important than the other. So when something isn't the same, it is bad. Difference does not equal bad, it equals evolution. A chance for our mind set to change for the better and to adapt with new knowledge.
We (should) celebrate our new knowledge.
The ONLY similar thing that exists is DIFFERENCE. If we cannot except difference we will never grow. We will never live outside ourselves. We will be concentrating on what makes things "similar" and comfortable to us. Difference is true comfort. Knowing nothing will be the same the next time said, spoken, or breathed. Knowledge in this should excite us, and invigorate us. Not seperate us.
"...I'm standing there and she's not talking to me. I couldn't stand it, so I just stepped up and said, "Patti" I put my hand out, doing our old thing, which was the boy handshake. She goes, "Wow Penny, man, wow man, you look exactly the same, man, you look the same." I said, "Yeah so do you." But I didn't feel any connection. I felt there was a Plexiglas screen up. And she goes, "Man, I gotta get a cigarette, I'll be right back." So she goes back to talking to Tom Verlaine, and she doesn't come back. She's not coming back. I'm standing there thinking, What the fuck am I doing here? I don't wanna be here. As soon as I heard it in my head, I went over to Pattu and said "Patti, I'm sorry, I'm gonna split. I really don't want to be here, I just came down to see you."
She said, "Wait a minute, where are you going man? Where are you going?" I said, "Well I'm gonna split." So patti goes "Well where are you living man? Are you living in Spain? Or are you living in Maine? Where are you living man?"
I said, "I'm living in Maine." and she goes "Aw Penn, Penny, man I don't feel so good, I don't feel so good, my stomach hurts." I put my hand on her stomach, and I said, "What's the matter, Patti?" She was going, "Man you know..."
I looked at her and I suddenly realized who Patti had been--like who she'd been to her friends--she was now using that in this public way. So she couldn't be that to me anymore, because now it was for everyone. And I realized that Patti had sixteen people around her telling her that she was the best thing since sliced bread, and for her to see someone like me, who knew her, she just couldn't see me. And I felt really bad for her. But I didn't want to be there."
She said, "Wait a minute, where are you going man? Where are you going?" I said, "Well I'm gonna split." So patti goes "Well where are you living man? Are you living in Spain? Or are you living in Maine? Where are you living man?"
I said, "I'm living in Maine." and she goes "Aw Penn, Penny, man I don't feel so good, I don't feel so good, my stomach hurts." I put my hand on her stomach, and I said, "What's the matter, Patti?" She was going, "Man you know..."
I looked at her and I suddenly realized who Patti had been--like who she'd been to her friends--she was now using that in this public way. So she couldn't be that to me anymore, because now it was for everyone. And I realized that Patti had sixteen people around her telling her that she was the best thing since sliced bread, and for her to see someone like me, who knew her, she just couldn't see me. And I felt really bad for her. But I didn't want to be there."
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
"I lived with Johnny in New York but it didn't work out. Johnny and I were going to get married. We were going to have a baby, too. I did get pregnant, but I had an abortion. Johnny tried to destroy my personality. He wanted to sit there and be quiet and tell him I loved him twenty-four hours a day. I liked to run around and have a good time, but I did change for him. I mean I was becoming the type of person he wanted me to be-just stay home everyday. After I was with him, I just wasn't Sable Starr anymore. He really destroyed the Sable Starr thing. He made me throw away all my diaries and all my phone numbers down the incinerator and he ripped up my scrapbook. It was a good one, too. It had everything in it. After that I was kind of destroyed. That's why I felt so bad, to have been such a hot shit and to be let down to such a low level."
Did I do this?
Did I do this?
Friday, December 23, 2005
Yesterday at 7 I went for a long drive but made it back in time for the basketball game. Sam and Josh came over and watched as much as we could until 9:30 which was the time we were supposed to meet Ryan and Jamie at Cw's.
Then from 9:30 until 11 we watched this table of 7 drunk guys make fun of a highschooler in a letterman's jacket. It was pretty entertaining, and the Cavs won as well.
After Cw's we went back to Sam's and played Star Wars Monopoly. Sam got out first, then I saw myself wavering so I created a conglomerate with Josh to stop the juggernaut Ryan. We tried, but no prevail. All and all it was a good game.
Then from 9:30 until 11 we watched this table of 7 drunk guys make fun of a highschooler in a letterman's jacket. It was pretty entertaining, and the Cavs won as well.
After Cw's we went back to Sam's and played Star Wars Monopoly. Sam got out first, then I saw myself wavering so I created a conglomerate with Josh to stop the juggernaut Ryan. We tried, but no prevail. All and all it was a good game.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Last night I drew a tattoo on my hand and I woke up with a smeared version of it on my inner left knee. The version I drew on my hand was blurred, and since I have washed my hands it is almost totally gone. It had the autobot symbol in it too. Such a shame.
I took my sister's dog "Belle" with me to the bank. The teller didn't even give me a dog treat. LAME.
I took my sister's dog "Belle" with me to the bank. The teller didn't even give me a dog treat. LAME.
Friday, December 16, 2005
I watched House of the Flying Daggers tonight with my parents. That and Hero are two really good kung fu movies. The people who made them have a great grasp of design and color scheme. Even if I didn't like kung fu I would still like these movies.
I don't understand why the words boobs and dick are bleeped out of TV, but they can say hell, damn and shit.
I don't understand why the words boobs and dick are bleeped out of TV, but they can say hell, damn and shit.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Finding a Nintendo during finals week isn't good. Especially with Super Mario Brothers 3. Luckily I have a majority of my work done for my final portfolios. SMB 3 is pretty addicting. I will regret saying I can't wait until this semester is over. Because it puts me one step closer to graduation. Graduation is going to be good, but I know it's going to be hard out there. Hopefully Max and I can find a good place to movie into. I wouldn't mind getting a manual labor job so I could paint and save money. Just hoping it all works out.
I need to open a savings account so I can learn to save money. With my next paycheck I should. I think you need $200 to start one however. With most of my money going to Christmas presents it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I really wish it could. I need to start saving the little money I have so I will save it when it is a large amount to.
So much to do.
I need to open a savings account so I can learn to save money. With my next paycheck I should. I think you need $200 to start one however. With most of my money going to Christmas presents it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I really wish it could. I need to start saving the little money I have so I will save it when it is a large amount to.
So much to do.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Arizona Senator John McCain on prisoner abuse:
...we are different and better than our enemies, that we fight for an idea, not a tribe, not a land, not a king, not a twisted interpretation of an ancient religion, but for an idea that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights."
...we are different and better than our enemies, that we fight for an idea, not a tribe, not a land, not a king, not a twisted interpretation of an ancient religion, but for an idea that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights."
Sunday, November 13, 2005
It's amazing how you can give something away and get it back multiplied. It must be the math of God. Usually when you subtract something from your life, and give it away, you are negative that thing. But when I gave it up I received more.
I just want my work to exemplify. A full complete expression of my blessed life. To make cheap work is to take my life for granted, and I don't want that. It needs to mean something to Him and not this world. Once it's worthy outside of ME and in honor of Him, it will be of worth to the viewer.
But, I must keep working.
I just want my work to exemplify. A full complete expression of my blessed life. To make cheap work is to take my life for granted, and I don't want that. It needs to mean something to Him and not this world. Once it's worthy outside of ME and in honor of Him, it will be of worth to the viewer.
But, I must keep working.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Show went well last night. Everyone I talked to liked it. Today Jesse asked me if I wanted to borrow this old drum kit he had. I may do that. Depending on what everyone else in the band thinks. I would probably only use the snare and bass drum. Maybe a high hat. I don't want to confuse the music with too much drumming. The emphasis should be on intruments, vocals then drums. Especially because I am not good at keeping beat.
We also won our soccer game, so that was good. We have another tomorrow at 7pm.
We also won our soccer game, so that was good. We have another tomorrow at 7pm.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
The other day Andrew and I had a conversation about liking music. He said this David Gray cd he had was probably the only music he liked from 1992. Or still liked from 1992. So I got thinking and was wondering if there is any music of mine that I have liked for that long. I can't really remember what I listenend to in 1992, but I think it was like Michael W. Smith or something.
One cd I have had a long time that I still like is Blur's self titled cd. I didn't really get into music until jr. high, so that would have been perfect because it came out in 1997.
Some other music that still holds out is probably Weezer or oldies. Because that is all I used to listen to. When my friends were slamming around to Alice in Chains, and Silverchair...I was rocking in my room to "Undone, the Sweater Song".
One cd I have had a long time that I still like is Blur's self titled cd. I didn't really get into music until jr. high, so that would have been perfect because it came out in 1997.
Some other music that still holds out is probably Weezer or oldies. Because that is all I used to listen to. When my friends were slamming around to Alice in Chains, and Silverchair...I was rocking in my room to "Undone, the Sweater Song".
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Am I losing interest in this blog?
I am listening to Smile by Brian Wilson. Evidently it is the previously un-released/un-finished Beach Boys album. But now Brian has taken it over. Such a great voice, layering of harmony, etc. All the other Beach Boys were obviously dead weight. Like Art Garfunkel. What were are parents thinking? Nevermind, it was the drugs.
I really wonder what our children will think our main vice is/was. Like we blame all of today's problems on the love and drug happy 60's and 70's.
I can see it now.
"Dad the reason our generation is so messed up is because your generation valued McDonalds, Walmart and Britney Spears."
Maybe that's it, overindulgence will be what their generation will blame on us. Then everyone will revert back to post depression era living, with a donkey and some seed.
At least we will no longer have Ms. Spears.
I am listening to Smile by Brian Wilson. Evidently it is the previously un-released/un-finished Beach Boys album. But now Brian has taken it over. Such a great voice, layering of harmony, etc. All the other Beach Boys were obviously dead weight. Like Art Garfunkel. What were are parents thinking? Nevermind, it was the drugs.
I really wonder what our children will think our main vice is/was. Like we blame all of today's problems on the love and drug happy 60's and 70's.
I can see it now.
"Dad the reason our generation is so messed up is because your generation valued McDonalds, Walmart and Britney Spears."
Maybe that's it, overindulgence will be what their generation will blame on us. Then everyone will revert back to post depression era living, with a donkey and some seed.
At least we will no longer have Ms. Spears.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
More excerpts to keep in mind:
"I undressed and got on my knees beside the bed, but the words wouldn't come." he remembered. "I couldn't put into human language all the things for which I wanted to thank Him: for the peace I was feeling now; for the years He has pulled me through; for the bright future; for life itself. I stayed that way for a long, long time, kneeling with my head in my hands, my mind racing back over the years touching on every wrong I could remember doing, clearing my conscience of it."
" ' Only don't give up on me,' I prayed silently 'I can't make it without You."
"I undressed and got on my knees beside the bed, but the words wouldn't come." he remembered. "I couldn't put into human language all the things for which I wanted to thank Him: for the peace I was feeling now; for the years He has pulled me through; for the bright future; for life itself. I stayed that way for a long, long time, kneeling with my head in my hands, my mind racing back over the years touching on every wrong I could remember doing, clearing my conscience of it."
" ' Only don't give up on me,' I prayed silently 'I can't make it without You."
Friday, October 07, 2005
Keep me here.
- "He was so good, that Momma used to worry about him getting into music and leaving the Lord."
- "Wherever I go, I can start singing one of them and immediately begin to feel peace settle over me as God's grace flows in. At times they've been my only way back, the only door out of the dark, bad places the black dog calls home."
- "He was so good, that Momma used to worry about him getting into music and leaving the Lord."
- "Wherever I go, I can start singing one of them and immediately begin to feel peace settle over me as God's grace flows in. At times they've been my only way back, the only door out of the dark, bad places the black dog calls home."
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Mmm. Coffee. Curt and I have embarked on a marathon the the Scream trilogy. We watched Scream last night and today we will probably watch Scream 2. There were some great cheesy lines from the film and one of them I remember is: "There is always a BS reason to kill your girlfriend." Those movies are pretty much terrible. I can't believe all the money that was made from them.
Another movie I saw this weekend was the Exorcism of Emily Rose. Really good movie. Great questions about the spiritual world. God, the Devil, and humans. If you want to have some great discussion watch it and talk about what you think about it after. As well as a conversation starter the cinematography is also on par. This movie didn't seem like a constant advertisement. It had great (sometimes obvious) color relationships. Complimentary colors and bright saffron oranges and reds. I am worn out from talking about this film. So I will leave it at that.
Good weekend, Saturday I spent a good 3 hours on one piece. It's a lot considering it is quite a small painting for me. Approx. 6'' by 6''? I will measure it tomorrow and update that.
Another movie I saw this weekend was the Exorcism of Emily Rose. Really good movie. Great questions about the spiritual world. God, the Devil, and humans. If you want to have some great discussion watch it and talk about what you think about it after. As well as a conversation starter the cinematography is also on par. This movie didn't seem like a constant advertisement. It had great (sometimes obvious) color relationships. Complimentary colors and bright saffron oranges and reds. I am worn out from talking about this film. So I will leave it at that.
Good weekend, Saturday I spent a good 3 hours on one piece. It's a lot considering it is quite a small painting for me. Approx. 6'' by 6''? I will measure it tomorrow and update that.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
I'm still waiting for it to hit me. When is this lack of inspiration going to catch up with me? Was I made for this?
Yesterday, I can honestly say was one of the best days I have had since I have been back. Yes, I realize that I should be getting to my philosophy homework. I went to Indianapolis, with no plan and some friends. Jess, Jesse, Me, Casey, and Janie. Thanks for letting me get away and realize what I have again. It is great to have these days that you remember AS you are actually having them. Days that you try so hard to revel in and take count of your blessings. It's really simple to have them, and when you do, they are groundbreaking. It sounds dramatic, but I am so thankful for life, friends, simple things, music, undiscovered places.
When you are seemingly down and out, days like that pop out of no where, and remind you, that you are a fornuate person. And when you feel like you don't matter, and you've had bad days...Conversation. No idle words, just activity.
Thanks for making me go!
Yesterday, I can honestly say was one of the best days I have had since I have been back. Yes, I realize that I should be getting to my philosophy homework. I went to Indianapolis, with no plan and some friends. Jess, Jesse, Me, Casey, and Janie. Thanks for letting me get away and realize what I have again. It is great to have these days that you remember AS you are actually having them. Days that you try so hard to revel in and take count of your blessings. It's really simple to have them, and when you do, they are groundbreaking. It sounds dramatic, but I am so thankful for life, friends, simple things, music, undiscovered places.
When you are seemingly down and out, days like that pop out of no where, and remind you, that you are a fornuate person. And when you feel like you don't matter, and you've had bad days...Conversation. No idle words, just activity.
Thanks for making me go!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
"Can we afford to educate everyone?" / "Can YOU afford to be educated?"
Something I was thinking about today after reading Descartes views on Skepticism. Why am I allowed to think like this? Why am I so priviledged to be able to pay for a school and sit in a room and discuss whether or not I actually exist? Meanwhile the regular Joe is pumping gas, using each paycheck for food, rent, or an addiction to cigarettes.
Is there a society where everyone can achieve this kind of education? Or should/can we afford (monetarily or otherwise) to educate everyone? Or does there have to be this hierarchy of people? An eternal caste system and litmus test to specialize our communities and fellow man.
In order to move forward and to gain, there has to be some kind of conflict right? So Marx (Was it Marx who came up with the conflict theory of human kind) in his thinking was right...Oh I called a communist right. But, stay with me...His whole idea on Conflict theory (if I am getting this right) was that there has to be some kind of conflict to get anywhere, without it, no one would fight (literally) for anything. There would be no hostile conflict to take over governments who mistreat people and so on and so on.
So does our world revolve around this constant attainment of "more"? In order to get more of anything you have to work and get something to barter for something else. So much revolves around money. To get money is to get education, or at least the opportunity for it. Think about it...When is the last time you heard a story about a national scholar from the University of Compton or U of Spanish Harlem. What I am getting at (by naming some of our more destitute areas) is that those people do not have money, therefore cannot afford to think of anything else but surviving day to day.
Is this a bad thing? That we can't educate our poor? Or does it create that hierarchy I mentioned to keep the conflict of attainment moving?
I feel selfish for being able to learn sometimes. Should we keep our system to it? Or would that create a intellectual complacency? Ok, I am switching my major to philosophy.
Something I was thinking about today after reading Descartes views on Skepticism. Why am I allowed to think like this? Why am I so priviledged to be able to pay for a school and sit in a room and discuss whether or not I actually exist? Meanwhile the regular Joe is pumping gas, using each paycheck for food, rent, or an addiction to cigarettes.
Is there a society where everyone can achieve this kind of education? Or should/can we afford (monetarily or otherwise) to educate everyone? Or does there have to be this hierarchy of people? An eternal caste system and litmus test to specialize our communities and fellow man.
In order to move forward and to gain, there has to be some kind of conflict right? So Marx (Was it Marx who came up with the conflict theory of human kind) in his thinking was right...Oh I called a communist right. But, stay with me...His whole idea on Conflict theory (if I am getting this right) was that there has to be some kind of conflict to get anywhere, without it, no one would fight (literally) for anything. There would be no hostile conflict to take over governments who mistreat people and so on and so on.
So does our world revolve around this constant attainment of "more"? In order to get more of anything you have to work and get something to barter for something else. So much revolves around money. To get money is to get education, or at least the opportunity for it. Think about it...When is the last time you heard a story about a national scholar from the University of Compton or U of Spanish Harlem. What I am getting at (by naming some of our more destitute areas) is that those people do not have money, therefore cannot afford to think of anything else but surviving day to day.
Is this a bad thing? That we can't educate our poor? Or does it create that hierarchy I mentioned to keep the conflict of attainment moving?
I feel selfish for being able to learn sometimes. Should we keep our system to it? Or would that create a intellectual complacency? Ok, I am switching my major to philosophy.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Huge storm! Biggest one of the year. I like storms during the day, you can see what's really going on. They are good at night, but nothing beats a warm morning or afternoon thunderstorm. It's bright out now, but still windy.
So we'll see how printmaking goes today.
And now for some wisdom via Rod Stewart:
"A big bosomed lady, with a Dutch accent, who tried to change my point of view." - Rod Stewart
So we'll see how printmaking goes today.
And now for some wisdom via Rod Stewart:
"A big bosomed lady, with a Dutch accent, who tried to change my point of view." - Rod Stewart
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Other than sketching, today was my first really work hard day. It felt so good to open an ink can and smell that oil based etching ink. I worked in the print lab most of the day as a T.A. I helped 3 or so people with their etchings, taught them how to bite a plate and ink a plate to run printer's proofs off. It felt good to help people.
Then for the second half, I painted in the painting lab. I had to finish a painting I started during the summer. I got some of Jess's water based screen printing ink and applied that. The colors were so vivid. I don't think that is possible with oil paints. I guess maybe I don't really know how to use oils proficiently yet. I will get there.
Friday's senior seminar class went great. Portfolio reviews are good, but standing for an hour and a half wasn't. I was really encouraged to see what I worked so hard on (even though being called a work-aholic) get praised. I also got great input from my professors. It is finally good to achieve that after feeling like I muddled around for the first 2 years here amidst professors who didn't like my work. Vindication! It's really not that dramatic.
Also this weekend, I realized the extent of grace I receive. I realized why I suffered so much my first year at Akron. I see now the wisdom I have gained. Nothing until that year about my life was ever hard. Praise the Lord for strife and the redemption from it. I suppose now I can fully realize His blessings. A family, friends, confidence, love etc.
Then for the second half, I painted in the painting lab. I had to finish a painting I started during the summer. I got some of Jess's water based screen printing ink and applied that. The colors were so vivid. I don't think that is possible with oil paints. I guess maybe I don't really know how to use oils proficiently yet. I will get there.
Friday's senior seminar class went great. Portfolio reviews are good, but standing for an hour and a half wasn't. I was really encouraged to see what I worked so hard on (even though being called a work-aholic) get praised. I also got great input from my professors. It is finally good to achieve that after feeling like I muddled around for the first 2 years here amidst professors who didn't like my work. Vindication! It's really not that dramatic.
Also this weekend, I realized the extent of grace I receive. I realized why I suffered so much my first year at Akron. I see now the wisdom I have gained. Nothing until that year about my life was ever hard. Praise the Lord for strife and the redemption from it. I suppose now I can fully realize His blessings. A family, friends, confidence, love etc.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Sick as a dog.
You know, I have never really understood the whole "naming of inanimate objects" idea. Ok, so pets are good to name, and everyone knows that. Although they are animate. I sound like a hypocrite because yes I know, I have named my car. It goes beyond that. I can see (because I did) why people name their cars. They are active when we make them active. They are transportation etc. Same with ships and boats.
But really, do we have to nickname our computers? Or our cell phones. It gets a little annoying after awhile.
You know, I have never really understood the whole "naming of inanimate objects" idea. Ok, so pets are good to name, and everyone knows that. Although they are animate. I sound like a hypocrite because yes I know, I have named my car. It goes beyond that. I can see (because I did) why people name their cars. They are active when we make them active. They are transportation etc. Same with ships and boats.
But really, do we have to nickname our computers? Or our cell phones. It gets a little annoying after awhile.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The art building is closed today? Do they know we started school a while ago? I heard something about how they had to train the T.A.'s or hire them or something like that. So today is kind of dedicating to reading, sketching and maybe cleaning up a bit. I really want to vacuum in here, but I can't remember if we have one in this house. I read some really good quotes in my film book, so that is going well. Then I took a break to take a nap, but before I went to bed last night I drank a half a liter of water + 3 cups of tea. So now I am reaping the benefits of that.
That reminds me of the time I drank 2 liters of water within 30 mins. That was not pretty. I thought my urethra going to be scorched to oblivion.
I guess I am going to clean up now, and then get back to reading.
That reminds me of the time I drank 2 liters of water within 30 mins. That was not pretty. I thought my urethra going to be scorched to oblivion.
I guess I am going to clean up now, and then get back to reading.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
Ripped from the pages of "Seymour an Introduction" (J.D. Salinger) Please read every word and you will finally know what it is like to be me.
"...in English, a Sick Man who not at all seldom, though he's reported so childishly denies it, gives out terrible cries of pain, as if he would whole-heartedly let go both his art and his soul to experience what passes in other people for wellness, and yet (the rumor continues) when his unsalutary-looking little room is broken into and someone-not frequently, at that, someone who actually loves him-passionately asks him where the pain is he either declines or seems unable to discuss it at any constructive critical length,
and in the morning when even great poets and painters presumably feel a bit more chipper than usual, he looks more perversely determined to see his sickness run it's course, as though by the light of another, presumably working day he had remembered that all men, the healthy ones included, eventually die, and usually with a certain amount of bad grace, but that he, luckily is being done in by the most stimulating companion, disease or no, he has known."
"...in English, a Sick Man who not at all seldom, though he's reported so childishly denies it, gives out terrible cries of pain, as if he would whole-heartedly let go both his art and his soul to experience what passes in other people for wellness, and yet (the rumor continues) when his unsalutary-looking little room is broken into and someone-not frequently, at that, someone who actually loves him-passionately asks him where the pain is he either declines or seems unable to discuss it at any constructive critical length,
and in the morning when even great poets and painters presumably feel a bit more chipper than usual, he looks more perversely determined to see his sickness run it's course, as though by the light of another, presumably working day he had remembered that all men, the healthy ones included, eventually die, and usually with a certain amount of bad grace, but that he, luckily is being done in by the most stimulating companion, disease or no, he has known."
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Read this Foxtrot:
Packing my stuff has proven more difficult than planned. Each year I force myself to take less. Then half way through packing I decide I really probably want those cut outs from a 3 year old issue of NME. I am going to paste them on my wall back at school. Then I take the t-shirt which I don't want but should take in case I need a red shirt and in case the person who gave it to me wonders why I don't wear it much (thanks Danielle). I need that copy of that Joan Jett and the Blackhearts record just in case I want to blast "Crimson and Clover" out the window at girls. So really I only pack things I really need, to annoy other people with. Like those green Hulk Hands in the corner. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more pre-planned annoyance to attend to.
Packing my stuff has proven more difficult than planned. Each year I force myself to take less. Then half way through packing I decide I really probably want those cut outs from a 3 year old issue of NME. I am going to paste them on my wall back at school. Then I take the t-shirt which I don't want but should take in case I need a red shirt and in case the person who gave it to me wonders why I don't wear it much (thanks Danielle). I need that copy of that Joan Jett and the Blackhearts record just in case I want to blast "Crimson and Clover" out the window at girls. So really I only pack things I really need, to annoy other people with. Like those green Hulk Hands in the corner. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more pre-planned annoyance to attend to.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
Devo was phenominal. Like a well oiled machine, they marched their way through a one and a half hour set. They are at their best. It would have been good to see them in the 80's but I don't think technologically their vision could be as better captured as it is now. Musically great, entertaining, multi-media technique. Very unique in every aspect of showmanship. Even if you don't like these guys, or know who they are you would have liked it. Just great artistic entertainment.
Be jealous, even U2 pales in comparison. Yeah I said U2, you friggin' yuppies.
Be jealous, even U2 pales in comparison. Yeah I said U2, you friggin' yuppies.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Skeleton Key last night. Things are getting more and more exciting...just when the summer is ending. This is the way it has to be though. Before I went to the movie, I went to Ryan's softball game. They won of course...one of the opposing team's players was hit in the face by a line drive. I felt bad for him, it looked like a broken nose.
After that Ryan and I went to get some rootbeer. Then we proceeded to his house where we hooked up his new iPod (My old one). He just now updated me and said he has 72 songs already. It took me like 2 weeks to get that. I think because I was only importing songs from my cd's and he is illegally downloading them...don't tell Lars Ulrich.
Then Jami, Ryan and I saw the 10:05 of Skeleton Key. It was about a 6 out of 10. Jami was pretty scared the whole time, except when she was out in the lobby talking on her cell phone ring. (She forgot to turn the ringer off...tsk tsk.)
After that Ryan and I went to get some rootbeer. Then we proceeded to his house where we hooked up his new iPod (My old one). He just now updated me and said he has 72 songs already. It took me like 2 weeks to get that. I think because I was only importing songs from my cd's and he is illegally downloading them...don't tell Lars Ulrich.
Then Jami, Ryan and I saw the 10:05 of Skeleton Key. It was about a 6 out of 10. Jami was pretty scared the whole time, except when she was out in the lobby talking on her cell phone ring. (She forgot to turn the ringer off...tsk tsk.)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Best night of the summer last night. Ryan had his championship softball game so the returning Jami with an I, me and Sam went. After awhile Brendan showed. So that was fun. Jami with an I started talking to Kayley and old highschool friend and missed the second half of the game. So after we decide to go out for a little food. So the previously mentioned 4 of us went down to Cw's. Ryan didn't come because he didn't drive to his game, and Jami was disappointed.
We talked forever, and even established a couple of women that Jami knew for Sam to date. I even got home by 10PM and it still seemed like a worth while evening.
I also established the sale of my iPod to Ryan.
We talked forever, and even established a couple of women that Jami knew for Sam to date. I even got home by 10PM and it still seemed like a worth while evening.
I also established the sale of my iPod to Ryan.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I am a new man.
Ok, nothing I will say now can possibly top that all inclusive statement but I will try. Tomorrow I want to see the Skeleton Key real bad. Lately I haven't been doing a whole lot. I am still on call for work. Nights are spent pretty aimlessly, unless I am hanging out with friends and then I don't feel like I am wasting my life. I might want to see Must Love Dogs too.
I like honey roasted peanuts.
Ok, nothing I will say now can possibly top that all inclusive statement but I will try. Tomorrow I want to see the Skeleton Key real bad. Lately I haven't been doing a whole lot. I am still on call for work. Nights are spent pretty aimlessly, unless I am hanging out with friends and then I don't feel like I am wasting my life. I might want to see Must Love Dogs too.
I like honey roasted peanuts.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Sunday! Yesterday Tim and Pierce visited for a day. We went to Bw3's and Pierce (the little devil) drank his weight in Diet Coke. Thanks, Grandma. That's like liquid crack to an almost two year old. It was pretty funny though. I had 12 boneless, they were good. I like that place less and less everytime I go in there. It makes me thankful for places like CW's. So many TV's, loud music, and smoke. It creates this "I don't need to talk to my family, there is baseball on TV" kind of vibe. Part of the reason to go out is to converse and have fun.
Today I am going to a guy from our college group's house for a cookout. It should be fun. It's a different world when I come back here. Most of the time when I see my old friends it's like we have never been apart. Except now we are all growing up, and entering the real world. Most of the time we manage to not have those stupid "remember when" conversations (although there is a time and place for those) and just talk about regular things. However, baggage brought on by growing up in a church youth group talk is always pretty fun.
Maybe this will be my last week at work. They want to have me..."on call". What the? Am I a nurse?
"Yes, excuse me, we have a clogged toilet, can you come in and clean it and then leave?"
Sounds like a blast. Oh, well. Soon I will be up to my nose in paint and ink.
Today I am going to a guy from our college group's house for a cookout. It should be fun. It's a different world when I come back here. Most of the time when I see my old friends it's like we have never been apart. Except now we are all growing up, and entering the real world. Most of the time we manage to not have those stupid "remember when" conversations (although there is a time and place for those) and just talk about regular things. However, baggage brought on by growing up in a church youth group talk is always pretty fun.
Maybe this will be my last week at work. They want to have me..."on call". What the? Am I a nurse?
"Yes, excuse me, we have a clogged toilet, can you come in and clean it and then leave?"
Sounds like a blast. Oh, well. Soon I will be up to my nose in paint and ink.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
One of the greatest ironies in my life has been this relationship I have had with the opposite sex. When I was in Elementary, Jr. High and Highschool all I wanted was a girlfriend my own age and someone from my class who liked me. I had some momentary success along the way, most of which was squandered by my own self worth.
When I was a camp counselor the other female counselors would always tell me about all these girls who liked me. The major problem being was that they were all ten years old. The ironic thing is that at that age and the subsequent years after I would have killed to have a girlfriend.
Since I am not dating anyone right now, it has been my co-workers duty (self deemed of course) to find me a girlfriend. Most of their suggestions of possible suitors have been around their age. Most of them are 18 to 20. A few of them are 18. Now, I know it's legal, but it still seems creepily young for me. It's like my mom suggesting to me that I should ask out a 26 year old woman. Do you think that girl is going to want to go out with someone who is 3 years younger than them?
I don't really think so. And besides, I am too dirty. Look at this disgusting rat-beard.
Today I was listening to a Liz Phair song (Does this make me a lesbian?) called Rock Me. And I had to laugh at the first line. I think it fits me pretty well.
"Oh baby, you're so young. What's give and take 9 years, anyway?"
Those of you who know this song, or what it's about, don't read too much into me using the quote. Just isolate the first line and ignore the rest of the lyrics, thank you.
When I was a camp counselor the other female counselors would always tell me about all these girls who liked me. The major problem being was that they were all ten years old. The ironic thing is that at that age and the subsequent years after I would have killed to have a girlfriend.
Since I am not dating anyone right now, it has been my co-workers duty (self deemed of course) to find me a girlfriend. Most of their suggestions of possible suitors have been around their age. Most of them are 18 to 20. A few of them are 18. Now, I know it's legal, but it still seems creepily young for me. It's like my mom suggesting to me that I should ask out a 26 year old woman. Do you think that girl is going to want to go out with someone who is 3 years younger than them?
I don't really think so. And besides, I am too dirty. Look at this disgusting rat-beard.
Today I was listening to a Liz Phair song (Does this make me a lesbian?) called Rock Me. And I had to laugh at the first line. I think it fits me pretty well.
"Oh baby, you're so young. What's give and take 9 years, anyway?"
Those of you who know this song, or what it's about, don't read too much into me using the quote. Just isolate the first line and ignore the rest of the lyrics, thank you.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Time to brag about my oldschool music taste. I am pulling out all the old cds tonight.
Spacehog- Resident Alien
No Use for A Name- Making Friends
Blenderhead- Figureheads on the Forefront of Pop Culture
MXPX- the Renaissance E.P.
I remember going to my sisters JV Soccer games and listening to the Spacehog cd on a Lenoxx Sound cd player which was as big as my head. All the while doing my earth science homework trying to impress the highschool girls.
By the way this is my 697th post.
Spacehog- Resident Alien
No Use for A Name- Making Friends
Blenderhead- Figureheads on the Forefront of Pop Culture
MXPX- the Renaissance E.P.
I remember going to my sisters JV Soccer games and listening to the Spacehog cd on a Lenoxx Sound cd player which was as big as my head. All the while doing my earth science homework trying to impress the highschool girls.
By the way this is my 697th post.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I wish I could be a nilhilist.
There are certain things in life I want to achieve and work to. But there are also things I can let grow on their own I am fine with. It's those 2 or 3 integral parts which I really long for. I do, sometimes get in the way of my own plans. Strike that, I always.
I want to be content to live inside God's plan. I don't want to continually make my own and fail miserably.
There are certain things in life I want to achieve and work to. But there are also things I can let grow on their own I am fine with. It's those 2 or 3 integral parts which I really long for. I do, sometimes get in the way of my own plans. Strike that, I always.
I want to be content to live inside God's plan. I don't want to continually make my own and fail miserably.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
I need to see a show. I think there are a few coming up. I think I still have jet lag. I felt like I had vertigo today. Like that Alfred Hitchcock movie. It's Friday. Yesterday I did a little piece for Micah. I am going to send it to him in the mail, and he said he would hang it on his wall. It's a birthday, and moving in gift.
There really isn't a whole lot to write about. I am listening to the most scratched and dusty copy of the West Side Story soundtrack on vinyl.
There really isn't a whole lot to write about. I am listening to the most scratched and dusty copy of the West Side Story soundtrack on vinyl.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
In case no one has noticed the new cool funny buzz word is bitch. Not biatch or even bizznatch. It's just bitch. In any social situation it makes everything more funny. Like when you are eating and you have to use the restroom, you would normally say: "I am going to the restroom." Now with the new tagword at the end it is sure to illicit more laughs. "I am going to the restroom, BITCH(es)!"
bitch bitch bitch.
bitch bitch bitch.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Friday, June 03, 2005
Well almost everything is packed and ready to go for the big trip. I am leaving very early tomorrow morning to make my 11 o'clock flight to Chicago from Indianapolis. From there I go to Munich and from there Milan. Then somehow amidst the jitters and jetlag the group and I will commence with the visual stimuli. It's going to be visual overload, but I'll love it. Just as long as that Italian espresso carries me through.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Your Linguistic Profile: |
75% General American English |
15% Yankee |
5% Dixie |
5% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Last night I found the honorable two movies for one price pack for Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the dead. So for 20$ I bought those two movies. This was after walking around Best Buy for 40 mins trying to decide what genre Shaun of the Dead is. I finally figured out it is a comedy, and the one remaining copy at Best Buy was MIA. So I went on over to Sam Goody who is way over priced and less selection-if-ied and found the two pack. Which! is what I was looking for in the first place. It was a total fiasco to say the least.
I watched Dawn of the Dead last night and all the extras about how they make zombie heads explode etc. It was pretty interesting. Today I watched the extras on Shaun of the Dead, they were good and funny as well. I am looking forward to watching the movie, but I am going to wait to see if some of my friends want to watch with me. Nothing is worse than buying a new movie and watching it right away, only for it to be the next movie selected to watch by your friends. Then it is just overkill. So SOTD and it's 77 f-words is going to wait until at least tomorrow so that my friends will be included. If they don't want to watch it, I guess I will watch it on my computer in my room sometime.
Today I opened a checking account at National City. No more First Merit.
I watched Dawn of the Dead last night and all the extras about how they make zombie heads explode etc. It was pretty interesting. Today I watched the extras on Shaun of the Dead, they were good and funny as well. I am looking forward to watching the movie, but I am going to wait to see if some of my friends want to watch with me. Nothing is worse than buying a new movie and watching it right away, only for it to be the next movie selected to watch by your friends. Then it is just overkill. So SOTD and it's 77 f-words is going to wait until at least tomorrow so that my friends will be included. If they don't want to watch it, I guess I will watch it on my computer in my room sometime.
Today I opened a checking account at National City. No more First Merit.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
I can't fall asleep until my feet are warm. Being that my feet are always cold, or "room temperature". Last night I could not fall asleep. When I can't fall asleep, thoughts swarm in my head making it all the more impossible to achieve the level of rest I need. I usually play music to drown out those thoughts. Last night I could not drown out those thoughts. They range from remembering old times to thinking way too much about my future and those around me and what I think about them and blah and so on. I think I have some sort of weird epidemic.
Maybe I should drink less coffee and maybe think about wearing socks to bed. Or maybe I should become a hermit.
Maybe I should drink less coffee and maybe think about wearing socks to bed. Or maybe I should become a hermit.
Friday, May 20, 2005
I like the way my teeth squeak when I eat M and M's. I love rye toast, and honeydew melon turns me on. I don't wear a watch when I paint.
Spring/Summer mix
- Brand New- Jaws Theme Swimming
- Anathallo- Fugue: 24
- Saves the Day- Shoulder to the Wheel
- the Jam- Ghosts
- Husband & Wife- Wake Up, Everyone
- the Clash- Ghetto Defendant
- New Order- Who's Joe?
- Nico- The Fairest of the Seasons
- the Concretes- You Can't Hurry Love
- Beck- Jack-Ass
- Eric Clapton- Heaven is One Step Away
- Sondre Lerche- Modern Nature
- Lisa Loeb- I Do
- Beck- Ghettochip Malfunction (Hell Yes)
- the Clash- Tommy Gun
- Fairweather- Young, Brash and Hopeful
- Gwen Stefani- What You Waiting For?
- Dogwood- 1983
- Yo La Tengo- Lewis
- Spitalfield- The Future is Now
- Motörhead- Bomber
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Interesting things happening where I live. Today I recieved my sticker pack from Nicholas Di Genova, an artist out of Ontario. Check him out at www.mediumphobic.com. Here is a picture of the stickers:

Second I went to Cleveland today to the natural history musuem and saw an exhibit by Von Hagens. He is the scientist who came up with a way to preserve the human body by injecting a type of plastic into it. So there were a bunch on display. Here is a picture of my form to donate my body to be plasticated:

Lastly is a picture of my overstocked bookcase just to make this a triplicate picture post:
Second I went to Cleveland today to the natural history musuem and saw an exhibit by Von Hagens. He is the scientist who came up with a way to preserve the human body by injecting a type of plastic into it. So there were a bunch on display. Here is a picture of my form to donate my body to be plasticated:
Lastly is a picture of my overstocked bookcase just to make this a triplicate picture post:
Friday, May 13, 2005
Cleaned up my room today. Kind of. I sneezed a bunch. I don't know I think it's because I am allergic to cleaning. I really woudln't mind throwing everything away and donating everything that's worth something and start over. Of course I would keep my records, record player, art supplies and some cd's. I did throw a lot of it away today though.
I am watching way too much MTV lately.
Why do I still have this Canadian flag hanging above my room?
I am watching way too much MTV lately.
Why do I still have this Canadian flag hanging above my room?
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I made some stir fry last night a-la what Nozomi taught me in the "Do it yourself" line. It was pretty good, except I don't know how to correctly prepare tofu. It was a little mushy. Tofu doesn't keep well either and I am instructed to use it all within 2 days of opening it. It's a brick! I took about an 8th of it off last night and I have so much left. The thing is, I dont really want it. I don't want to waste it either. Maybe I will go outside and bury it in the back yard by our old cat KitKat. Hopefully it doesn't facilitate something to the extent of Pet Semetary or something. Because there are some hamsters back there too.
I am going to go make some more stir fry for lunch.
I am going to go make some more stir fry for lunch.
Friday, May 06, 2005
I made an observation yesterday. Now, don't think of me as someone who is biased against weight...BUT Why is it that the largest people I see around town when I am shopping or walking the dog or whatever are all wearing nylon pants, jogging pants or sweatpants. The irony here does not escape me. Because, the pants in question are intended to be workout clothing. Something that most of these people are not doing. I understand the comfort issue, but really, can't they take the hint from the manufacture that they are for activity.
Another thing that goes along with this is the fact that the only sizes they make in the specific clothing are LARGE sizes. Maybe this is for layering purposes. Who knows. Comment at will.
Another thing that goes along with this is the fact that the only sizes they make in the specific clothing are LARGE sizes. Maybe this is for layering purposes. Who knows. Comment at will.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Last night I had a really weird dream. I dreamt I was shaving a girl's legs and I was getting them really smooth and that I was giving them the care they deserved. Just thinking, "Man I did not miss a spot I am really good at this." Haha. I don't remember who's legs they were (or maybe I do). It wasn't sexual at all I was just very good at shaving these nice looking legs.
I think it's because I was watching TV and fell asleep.
I think it's because I was watching TV and fell asleep.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I hate these standards of success and living you give me. Can I make my own? Can I live my own life? I can live my own life. I will stubbornly try to seek out what I have been made no, created to do. Can my expression be enough for the greed seeking hoards? I won't be myself if I am not myself, and myself is not completely buying it.
What am I showing for? Why bother.
What am I showing for? Why bother.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
A couple of posts ago I posted the movie thing and I noticed today that Half Baked had not been bolded. What kind of a person hasn't seen Half Baked. I mean come on. I really don't like that movie.
It's such a nice day out and I don't know what to do. It seems like there are too many options or not enough. It also seems like people are all out doing something, but maybe they are all sitting inside like me and letting their bodies rot away. I'd like to maybe go out and take pictures but I am afraid of maybe wasting film. It's expensive stuff. I don't know.
Yesterday was Spotted Cow. I got some good sun and caught a couple of good bands. Even though the sound was weird, I still had fun. I don't like mewithoutyou, so I got really bored. I don't get the appeal of that band. I mean, the lead singer is so witty, but his vocal style is very irritating. I am pretty sure 97% of my friends don't agree with me and think that they are a great band, but I guess it's a free country, right? (Do you like run-on sentences? I do.)
This school year went by so fast. I regret so much of it. Hopefully it has been a learning expirience. I already knew many of the things I re-learned. It's so hard to avoid the mistakes I make with friends, I feel eternally damned in so many aspects of my personality and the way I live. I am like a ship on autopilot. A man on a mission.
I guess I am going to go listen to Generation X.
It's such a nice day out and I don't know what to do. It seems like there are too many options or not enough. It also seems like people are all out doing something, but maybe they are all sitting inside like me and letting their bodies rot away. I'd like to maybe go out and take pictures but I am afraid of maybe wasting film. It's expensive stuff. I don't know.
Yesterday was Spotted Cow. I got some good sun and caught a couple of good bands. Even though the sound was weird, I still had fun. I don't like mewithoutyou, so I got really bored. I don't get the appeal of that band. I mean, the lead singer is so witty, but his vocal style is very irritating. I am pretty sure 97% of my friends don't agree with me and think that they are a great band, but I guess it's a free country, right? (Do you like run-on sentences? I do.)
This school year went by so fast. I regret so much of it. Hopefully it has been a learning expirience. I already knew many of the things I re-learned. It's so hard to avoid the mistakes I make with friends, I feel eternally damned in so many aspects of my personality and the way I live. I am like a ship on autopilot. A man on a mission.
I guess I am going to go listen to Generation X.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
01. Trainspotting
02. Shrek
03. Memento
04. Dogma
05. Strictly Ballroom
06. The Princess Bride
07. Love Actually
08. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
09. The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
11. Reservoir Dogs
12. Desperado
13. Swordfish
14. Kill Bill Vol. 1
15. Donnie Darko
16. Spirited Away
17. Better Than Sex
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Pirates of the Caribbean
20. The Eye
21. Requiem for a Dream
22. Dawn of the Dead
23. The Pillow Book
24. The Italian Job
25. The Goonies
26. BASEketball
27. the spice girls movie
28. Army of Darkness
29. The Color Purple
30. The Safety of Objects
31. Can't Hardly Wait
32. Mystic Pizza
33. Finding Nemo
34. Monsters Inc.
35. Circle of Friends
36. Mary Poppins
37. The Bourne Identity
38. Forrest Gump
39. A Clockwork Orange
40. Kindergarten Cop
41. On The Line
42. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
43. Final Destination
44. Sorority Boys
45. Urban Legend
46. Cheaper by the Dozen
47. Fierce Creatures
48. Dude, Where's My Car
49. Ladyhawke
50. Ghostbusters
51. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
52. Back to the Future – Of course I have seen this!
53. An Affair To Remember
54. Somewhere In Time
55. North By Northwest
56. Moulin Rouge
57. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Zoolander
60. A Walk to Remember
61. Chicago
62. Vanilla Sky
63. The Sweetest Thing
64. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
65. The Nightmare Before Christmas
66. Chasing Amy
67. Edward Scissorhands
68. Battle Royale
69. Kill Bill Vol. 2
70. Fight Club
71. Clerks
72. The Crow
73. Get Real
74. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
75. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
76. Wake
77. Silence of the Lambs
78. Pulp Fiction
79. The Crying Game
80. Amélie
81. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
82. Happy Campers
83. Velvet Goldmine
84. Elephant
85. Peter Pan
86. Camp
87. Particles of Truth
88. The Godfather
89. Big Fish
90. The Passion of the Christ
91. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
92. The Neverending Story
93. The Breakfast Club
94. Newsies
95. Princess Mononoke
96. The Prince of Egypt
97. Grease
98. The Hidden Fortress
99. Troy
100. It Happened One Night
101. Hackers
102. Dead Poets Society
103. Ghost Ship
104. The Wedding Banquet
105. The Red Violin
106. The Beach
107. The Women
108. Run Lola Run
109. The Quiet Man
110. X-Men
111. X-2
112. Spiderman
113. Punch Drunk Love
114. From Dusk 'Til Dawn
115. Joe Vs. The Volcano
116. Meet Joe Black
117. Gregory's Girl
118. In the Time of the Butterflies
119. The Butterfly Effect
120. Dirty Dancing
121. Final Destination 2
122. Rosemary's Baby
123. Spider-Man 2
124. Practical Magic
125. A Shark Tale
126. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
127. Sweet Home Alabama
128. American Beauty
129. Rocky Horror Picture Show
130. American Psycho
131. American History X
132. The Forgotten
133. The Black Stallion
134. Secret Window
135. Anchorman
136. Cellular
137. Mallrats
138. Mulholland Drive
139. Seeing Double
140. Clueless
141. Dr. Strangelove
142. Huit Femmes
143. Dumb & Dumber
144. Overboard
145. Tommy Boy
146. Talk To Her
147. Party Monster
148. Taxi Driver
149. Jackie Brown
150. Gods and Monsters
151. Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera
152. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
153. The People Under the Stairs
154. Place Vendome
155. De-Lovely
156. Meet the Parents
157. Meet the Fockers
158. Bend It Like Beckham
159. Napoleon Dynamite
160. Garden State
161. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
162. Orgazmo
163. Boondock Saints
164. Princess Diaries
165. The Sandlot
166. Stigmata
167. Glory
168. Mean Girls
169. 10 Things I Hate About You
170. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet
171. Thirteen
172. The Bicycle Thief
173. Half Baked
174. Under the black pool lights
175. CKY4
176. Rushmore
177. Cider houserules
178. Driving miss daisy
179. The Village
180. Over her dead body
181. Cold Mountian
95 of 181 – 52% Oh man I got an F
02. Shrek
03. Memento
04. Dogma
05. Strictly Ballroom
06. The Princess Bride
07. Love Actually
08. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
09. The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
11. Reservoir Dogs
12. Desperado
13. Swordfish
14. Kill Bill Vol. 1
15. Donnie Darko
16. Spirited Away
17. Better Than Sex
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Pirates of the Caribbean
20. The Eye
21. Requiem for a Dream
22. Dawn of the Dead
23. The Pillow Book
24. The Italian Job
25. The Goonies
26. BASEketball
27. the spice girls movie
28. Army of Darkness
29. The Color Purple
30. The Safety of Objects
31. Can't Hardly Wait
32. Mystic Pizza
33. Finding Nemo
34. Monsters Inc.
35. Circle of Friends
36. Mary Poppins
37. The Bourne Identity
38. Forrest Gump
39. A Clockwork Orange
40. Kindergarten Cop
41. On The Line
42. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
43. Final Destination
44. Sorority Boys
45. Urban Legend
46. Cheaper by the Dozen
47. Fierce Creatures
48. Dude, Where's My Car
49. Ladyhawke
50. Ghostbusters
51. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
52. Back to the Future – Of course I have seen this!
53. An Affair To Remember
54. Somewhere In Time
55. North By Northwest
56. Moulin Rouge
57. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Zoolander
60. A Walk to Remember
61. Chicago
62. Vanilla Sky
63. The Sweetest Thing
64. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
65. The Nightmare Before Christmas
66. Chasing Amy
67. Edward Scissorhands
68. Battle Royale
69. Kill Bill Vol. 2
70. Fight Club
71. Clerks
72. The Crow
73. Get Real
74. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
75. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
76. Wake
77. Silence of the Lambs
78. Pulp Fiction
79. The Crying Game
80. Amélie
81. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
82. Happy Campers
83. Velvet Goldmine
84. Elephant
85. Peter Pan
86. Camp
87. Particles of Truth
88. The Godfather
89. Big Fish
90. The Passion of the Christ
91. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
92. The Neverending Story
93. The Breakfast Club
94. Newsies
95. Princess Mononoke
96. The Prince of Egypt
97. Grease
98. The Hidden Fortress
99. Troy
100. It Happened One Night
101. Hackers
102. Dead Poets Society
103. Ghost Ship
104. The Wedding Banquet
105. The Red Violin
106. The Beach
107. The Women
108. Run Lola Run
109. The Quiet Man
110. X-Men
111. X-2
112. Spiderman
113. Punch Drunk Love
114. From Dusk 'Til Dawn
115. Joe Vs. The Volcano
116. Meet Joe Black
117. Gregory's Girl
118. In the Time of the Butterflies
119. The Butterfly Effect
120. Dirty Dancing
121. Final Destination 2
122. Rosemary's Baby
123. Spider-Man 2
124. Practical Magic
125. A Shark Tale
126. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
127. Sweet Home Alabama
128. American Beauty
129. Rocky Horror Picture Show
130. American Psycho
131. American History X
132. The Forgotten
133. The Black Stallion
134. Secret Window
135. Anchorman
136. Cellular
137. Mallrats
138. Mulholland Drive
139. Seeing Double
140. Clueless
141. Dr. Strangelove
142. Huit Femmes
143. Dumb & Dumber
144. Overboard
145. Tommy Boy
146. Talk To Her
147. Party Monster
148. Taxi Driver
149. Jackie Brown
150. Gods and Monsters
151. Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera
152. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
153. The People Under the Stairs
154. Place Vendome
155. De-Lovely
156. Meet the Parents
157. Meet the Fockers
158. Bend It Like Beckham
159. Napoleon Dynamite
160. Garden State
161. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
162. Orgazmo
163. Boondock Saints
164. Princess Diaries
165. The Sandlot
166. Stigmata
167. Glory
168. Mean Girls
169. 10 Things I Hate About You
170. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet
171. Thirteen
172. The Bicycle Thief
173. Half Baked
174. Under the black pool lights
175. CKY4
176. Rushmore
177. Cider houserules
178. Driving miss daisy
179. The Village
180. Over her dead body
181. Cold Mountian
95 of 181 – 52% Oh man I got an F
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Snakes escaped from the dashboard during the rain so light.
I was higher than an air-o-plane, higher than an air-o-plane.
We pulled into the refueling station. "Open all the time" the sign read. Full service, wiper blade replacement.
My life lead me to believe those neon lights were for show, and the candy ridden confines of the store were for the obese paritioners. I would feel bad using the restroom and then not buying anything. So I went in, did my business and came out 65 cents poorer.
"Keep the asphalt wet." he said. "No one likes a hot pave-ment." - "So keep that pave-a-ment slicked."
"It's rude to have hot cement." he said "Have you ever walked barefoot on a summer's day on a summer's day pave-ment?" "You walk fast-er and your poor feet squeal. So pour that water on the ground and let's be court-e-ous."
"Hot rocks, hot sand, hot coals - what-have-you...they don't compare to this here hot baking sun sidewalk."
"Defy me and you'll learn, by turn and turn that this is not your average walk of courage. So please fill another bucket and douse the pavement."
"You'll never walk on water son, but you can walk on soaked sidewalks."
A sign on the door read "No shoes, no shirt, no service."
We can wear heat here.
Bring your Map here, you'll need it. The coffee is in the rear if you need it. The cola baptismal is at the head of the building if you choose to use it. Contact the usher for those dollar hot dogs. Do the long sticks of beef jerky scare you? They scare me too.
How about cold slushies? All size cups are the same size and you can mix and match flavors. There's something for everyone here.
Shop lifters should watch their back, though. We've got mirrors, inked tags, and metal detection devices. This will stop you dead in tracks.
I was higher than an air-o-plane, higher than an air-o-plane.
We pulled into the refueling station. "Open all the time" the sign read. Full service, wiper blade replacement.
My life lead me to believe those neon lights were for show, and the candy ridden confines of the store were for the obese paritioners. I would feel bad using the restroom and then not buying anything. So I went in, did my business and came out 65 cents poorer.
"Keep the asphalt wet." he said. "No one likes a hot pave-ment." - "So keep that pave-a-ment slicked."
"It's rude to have hot cement." he said "Have you ever walked barefoot on a summer's day on a summer's day pave-ment?" "You walk fast-er and your poor feet squeal. So pour that water on the ground and let's be court-e-ous."
"Hot rocks, hot sand, hot coals - what-have-you...they don't compare to this here hot baking sun sidewalk."
"Defy me and you'll learn, by turn and turn that this is not your average walk of courage. So please fill another bucket and douse the pavement."
"You'll never walk on water son, but you can walk on soaked sidewalks."
A sign on the door read "No shoes, no shirt, no service."
We can wear heat here.
Bring your Map here, you'll need it. The coffee is in the rear if you need it. The cola baptismal is at the head of the building if you choose to use it. Contact the usher for those dollar hot dogs. Do the long sticks of beef jerky scare you? They scare me too.
How about cold slushies? All size cups are the same size and you can mix and match flavors. There's something for everyone here.
Shop lifters should watch their back, though. We've got mirrors, inked tags, and metal detection devices. This will stop you dead in tracks.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Easter weekend. I get really bored at home, but I have had a relaxing time. I don't think I like Smash Brothers on Gamecube, but I played a whole lot of it. And I played Coach K's College Basketball on Sega. I like that game. I also like candy. I am too full of it right now, but later I am eating some pizza.
I feel blessed when I come home, because of my family, but it also makes me miss the good friends I have made at school. Even those who are in Australia.
I feel blessed when I come home, because of my family, but it also makes me miss the good friends I have made at school. Even those who are in Australia.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Well people don't like the hard and heavy.
Went to Indianapolis today and viewed an exhibit on female painters from Indiana. The contemporary works were really good. I can say just about every one had something I liked in it. Max said it was going to be a bunch of paintings of kitchens and bunnies but I didn't get it. And Lindsey gave him a mean look after he said it. So maybe it meant something derogatory towards women.
Who knows.
Went to Indianapolis today and viewed an exhibit on female painters from Indiana. The contemporary works were really good. I can say just about every one had something I liked in it. Max said it was going to be a bunch of paintings of kitchens and bunnies but I didn't get it. And Lindsey gave him a mean look after he said it. So maybe it meant something derogatory towards women.
Who knows.
Monday, March 14, 2005
If I could gather all my past mistakes and equate them down to one single word. A noun. It would be pride. Being human, and suffering from (My -prideful- humanity.) that of a fallen perspective it starts to rule my everyday life. Not being humble (An opposite of pride.) causes a barrier between oneself and another.
Too proud to be loved.
This, however is a mere realization and not and end by any means. Something this ingrained in my thinking will take work.
Too prideful to work towards humility.
Power to the prideful.
Peace to the humble.
Strength to both.
Too proud to be loved.
This, however is a mere realization and not and end by any means. Something this ingrained in my thinking will take work.
Too prideful to work towards humility.
Power to the prideful.
Peace to the humble.
Strength to both.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Romance at it's finest...(the kind I really identify with.) Not that sentimental crap, but an honest statement of love, infatuation, or lust I guess. Hopefully love could spur on a comment like this:
"I would never stick my head in a gas oven at the end of an evening with you."
-About A Boy by Nick Hornby.
It hurts my throat to breeeeeeeeeathe.
"I would never stick my head in a gas oven at the end of an evening with you."
-About A Boy by Nick Hornby.
It hurts my throat to breeeeeeeeeathe.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
If I could own the eternal optimism of Foxtrot...I'd be set for life.
"Why the grouchy face?"
"Mom says I have to read all the Valentines I got."
"You don't normally read them?
"Heck no I don't want to expose myself to a bunch of girly flirtation! I mean look at some of these...'Dear Jason, Happy Valentines day you nerdy twit.'"
"Calling you a nerdy twit is flirting?
"It's an anagram of trendy wit."
"Why the grouchy face?"
"Mom says I have to read all the Valentines I got."
"You don't normally read them?
"Heck no I don't want to expose myself to a bunch of girly flirtation! I mean look at some of these...'Dear Jason, Happy Valentines day you nerdy twit.'"
"Calling you a nerdy twit is flirting?
"It's an anagram of trendy wit."
Monday, February 14, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Friday, February 04, 2005
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Monday, January 31, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Well another party down. I sat from 7 to 10 in the side room doing paint marker tattoos. People actually tipped me too.
Guy: "Hey, you actually made some money tonight!"
Me: "Yeah, I'm going to Red Lobster tomorrow."
Then I went to a meeting in the art building and clocked in. So I got paid for a meeting. It's ok though because my professor said I could get back pay for working when I didn't have a time card. It's completely legal I swear.
Today I am going in again to work the rest of the day.
Guy: "Hey, you actually made some money tonight!"
Me: "Yeah, I'm going to Red Lobster tomorrow."
Then I went to a meeting in the art building and clocked in. So I got paid for a meeting. It's ok though because my professor said I could get back pay for working when I didn't have a time card. It's completely legal I swear.
Today I am going in again to work the rest of the day.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I got stuck in my driveway last night while coming back from Steak and Shake. The snow was up so high that it was scraping the bottom of my car. Now there is a large muddy rut in the yard. So I got my newly purchased blizzard emergency shovel with extentible handle and dug out. Then I came inside and got an old pizza box for traction. I put that under my right driver's side wheel. Then I rocked it back and forth and got pulled all the way out of my drive way. Soon after I mounted enough speed to carve my way back into the drive way and parked again. It was exciting. I feel like an outdoorsman.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Saturday, January 22, 2005
You Are 0 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
What Age Do You Act?
Just as I feared. I am not even born yet.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I can't find any wheat paste and it is very frustrating. I went to 2 stores and asked and they didn't. What's a guy supposed to do? Yesterday me, Josh, Zack and Micah pushed his car from CVS to the repair shop. Today I took him over to pick it up. Turns out it was a case of drained battery. Very fishy. Anyway, I don't want to go to night class tonight.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
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