wrangled and wrinkled.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Best night of the summer last night. Ryan had his championship softball game so the returning Jami with an I, me and Sam went. After awhile Brendan showed. So that was fun. Jami with an I started talking to Kayley and old highschool friend and missed the second half of the game. So after we decide to go out for a little food. So the previously mentioned 4 of us went down to Cw's. Ryan didn't come because he didn't drive to his game, and Jami was disappointed.

We talked forever, and even established a couple of women that Jami knew for Sam to date. I even got home by 10PM and it still seemed like a worth while evening.

I also established the sale of my iPod to Ryan.


Anonymous said...

dont sell your ipod! it will lower your coolness status at IWU!

Jeff of course said...
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Jeff of course said...

This is true, but I am getting a new one which will up my status!