wrangled and wrinkled.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"I lived with Johnny in New York but it didn't work out. Johnny and I were going to get married. We were going to have a baby, too. I did get pregnant, but I had an abortion. Johnny tried to destroy my personality. He wanted to sit there and be quiet and tell him I loved him twenty-four hours a day. I liked to run around and have a good time, but I did change for him. I mean I was becoming the type of person he wanted me to be-just stay home everyday. After I was with him, I just wasn't Sable Starr anymore. He really destroyed the Sable Starr thing. He made me throw away all my diaries and all my phone numbers down the incinerator and he ripped up my scrapbook. It was a good one, too. It had everything in it. After that I was kind of destroyed. That's why I felt so bad, to have been such a hot shit and to be let down to such a low level."

Did I do this?

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